“My secondment in Belgrade developed in two different periods: the first one was from 16th to 19th July and the second one from 18th October to 20th December 2023 and both of them have been remarkable and enriching experiences.
During the first period of the secondment, I had the chance to participate at the 1st MSCA SE CardioSCOPE Summer School at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. Thanks to fascinating lectures delivered by experts from various field I was able to delve deeper into the topics relating to acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The lectures ranged from the pathophysiology, the diagnosis, the risk factors of ACS and the role of lipoprotein in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis to the use of omics techniques in this field, with particular reference to chromatography and mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics and LC-MS method. Participating in the summer school allowed me to expand my knowledge and interact with colleagues and professors from other research centres, exchanging how each one of us could significantly contribute to the CardioSCOPE’s overarching goals.
During the second period of my secondment, at the Centar Dragisa Misovic I had the pleasure of actively participating in the entire analysis process of blood samples from patients with acute coronary syndrome. First, we analysed the study design and the inclusion and exclusion criteria of patients in the study, mainly concerning age and previous diagnosis. Then, the meticulous pre- analytical phase of sample labelling, the association to the correct patient, and the analysis of the doctor’s requests were discussed. In particular, I was explained how to obtain plasma, serum, platelet-poor plasma (obtained as double-centrifuged regular plasma) and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMc) from the blood sample and how prepare them for the subsequent metabolomics, proteomics and transcriptomics analysis. Being able to manipulate human samples was a great opportunity for me to grow as a biologist, since in my laboratory in Milan I have the opportunity to work only with cell cultures. Following step by step the detailed protocol provided and with the assistance and guidance of my colleagues I was able to learn the entire sample preparation procedure. Moreover, I had the chance to interface with machines performing complete blood counts and different types of biochemistry tests and to be introduce to the post-analytical phase of the biochemical markers like glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine and uric acid, among others. In addition to learning about the laboratory procedures, I had the pleasure to share the expertise and the results obtained during my first year of PhD studies in Milan (Italy). I think that the mutual exchange of ideas, experiences, and skills is one of the most stimulating aspects of these experiences, as both parties gained insights into each other’s capacities. During my stay, I have also visited the Department of Medical Biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. There, I have met the team members and I was introduced to their research facilities.
I must mention that my time in Belgrade was enriched by the city’s beauty, with the city center and the historic Kalemegdan fortress, and by the hospitality of its people.
In conclusion, my secondment in Belgrade has been an invaluable opportunity for personal and professional development. The practical experience acquired, the knowledge obtained and the friendship established will leave a very important mark on me.”
Laura Comi, PhD student from Università degli Studi di Milano