
Structure (WP Groups)

Meet the Work Packages


Multiomics ACS signatures discovery

chair Paolo Magni (UMIL)
vice-chair Iva Perović Blagojević

  1. to build cohort of  patients with ACS for discovery phase;
  2. to follow-up patients for MACE;
  3. to prepare samples for multiomics analysis,
  4. to perform targeted genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics;
  5. to prepare obtained data for integration in WP2.
  • Task 1.1 Building discovery cohort
  • Task 1.2 Targeted genomics
  • Task 1.3 Transcriptomics
  • Task 1.4 Proteomics
  • Task 1.5 Metabolomics
  • D1.1 Discovery cohort data base
  • D1.2 Report of ACS specific molecular signatures
  • D1.3 Report on the follow-up of discovery cohort
  • D1.4 Report of MACE specific molecular signatures


Development of multimarker models for better diagnosis of ACS and prediction of MACE using ML/AIbased approaches

chair Marco Chierici (FBK)
vice-chair Steven Watterson

  1. to analyze individual genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic data specific for STEMI, NSTEMI and UAP,
  2. to use ML/AI for multiomics data integration,
  3. to identify multidimensional molecular signatures that spans across genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic specific for STEMI, NSTEMI, UAP,
  4. to identify best candidates for multimarker diagnostic models,
  5. to build multimarker diagnostic models.
  • Task 2.1 Integration of individual genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic data.
  • Task 2.2 Identification of specific molecular signature
  • Task 2.3 Development of preliminary multimarker models for diagnosis of ACS
  • Task 2.4 Development of preliminary multimarker models for prediction of MACE
  • D2.1 List of ACS specific molecular signatures
  • D2.2 List of multi-marker models for ACS
  • D2.3 List of multimarker models for MACE


Multimarker models validation

chair IRCCSMM Alberico Catapano
vice-chair Giacinto Guercilena (BSN)

  1. to build validation cohorts,
  2. to validate genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic markers from the developed multi marker models for diagnosis of ACS,
  3. to validate genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic markers from the developed multi-marker models for prognosis of MACE.
  • Task 3.1 Validation cohorts
  • Task 3.2 Validation of genomic markers
  • Task 3.3 Validation of transcriptomic markers
  • Task 3.4 Validation of proteomic markers
  • Task 3.5 Validation of metabolomic markers
  • Task 3.6 Data integration and statistical analysis
  • D3.1 Validation cohort data base
  • D3.2 Report on the follow-up of validation cohort
  • D3.3 Validation report
  • D3.4 Data integration report
  • D3.5 Multimarker models


Standard operative procedures

chair Christos Tsatsanis (UOC)
vice-chair Maria Vinaixa Crevillent

  1. to establish study protocols regarding patients recruitment, sample collection timing, follow-up parameters,
  2. to define the best sample type for particular analysis,
  3. to establish pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical procedures including data curation and reporting,
  4. to evaluate data security and personal information security approaches,
  5. to standardize data integration and bioinformatics protocols.
  • Task 4.1 Standardization of protocol for patients recruitment and sample collection
  • Task 4.2 Pre-analytical phase standardization
  • Task 4.3 Analytical phase standardization
  • Task 4.4. ML/AI and bioinformatics algorithm standardization
  • D4.1 Study protocol
  • D4.2 SOP for pre-analytical phase
  • D4.3 SOP for analytical phase
  • D4.4 SOP for ML/AI and bioinformatics


Scientists capacity building

chair Miron Sopic (PhUOB)
vice-chair Maria Vinaixa Crevillent | Anca Gafencu | Nuria Amigò

  • Task 5.1 Secondment programme
  • Task 5.2 Networking events for knowledge transfer and reintegration
  • Task 5.3 Webinar
  • Task 5.4 Practical training



chair Nuria Amigò (BT)
vice-chair Jelena Munjas

  1. to promote concepts of personalize and precise medicine in the field of CVD with focus on prevention, diagnosis and treatment,
  2. to promote standardization of methodological procedures in order to get valid markers of high clinical utility,
  3. to promote intersectoral and international exchange programs,
  4. to promote development of entrepreneurial skills in academic surroundings.
  5. to increase visibility and recognition of consortium’s researchers on national and international levels through congress, conferences and scientific papers published in open access journals relevant to the field.
  • Task 6.1 Social media and broadcasting media dissemination
  • Task 6.2 Communication and public engagement
  • Task 6.3 Dissemination through network events
  • Task 6.4 Dissemination through publishing of scientific papers
  • D6.1 Plan for dissemination and exloitation including communication activities


Project management

chair Paolo Magni
vice-chair Miron Sopic
project manager associate Sandra Vladimirov

  1. to create the necessary governance structure for effective project focus and management,
  2. to coordinate and interface with the different management bodies (internal and external) and the European Commission,
  3. to manage and monitor the progress of secondments and implementation of the work in accordance to the timing, resources and budget,
  4. to ensure effective communication and collaboration between all project partners through the continuous exchange of information.
  • Task 7.1 Implementation of project management, governance, organization and decision-making procedures
  • Task 7.2 General management and daily coordination
  • Task 7.3 Administrative and financial management
  • Task 7.4 Progress monitoring and periodic reporting
  • Task 7.5 Data and IPR management
  • Task 7.6 Risk management
  • D7.1 Data management plan
  • D7.2 Mid-term meeting
  • D7.3 Progress Report


Ethics requirements

chair Paolo Magni
vice-chair Miron Sopic

  • D8.1 OEI – Requirement No. 1
  • D8.2 OEI – Requirement No. 2
  • D8.3 OEI – Requirement No. 3