Secondment 22: From Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Belgrade to GeneticLab

Secondment 22: From Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Belgrade to GeneticLab

“During my stay at the Genetic Lab SRL. I received extensive instruction on the general organization of the laboratory and the workflow when analyzing different types of clinical samples using modern molecular biology methods. These included:

  • information on administrative checks needed to be done before sample preparation,
  • information regarding safe practices when working with biological samples, which are intended to protect the operator, as well as the samples from cross-contamination (such as proper preparation and use of hoods with laminar flow, proper handling and maintenance of pipettes),
  • procedures used for handling and preparation of different types of samples (such as blood, plasma, cervical, urethral and throat swabs, urine and different types of solid tissue samples),
  • procedures used for isolation of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) from different sample types using in-house methods and different commercially available nucleic acid isolation kits (such as column-based nucleic acid isolation and organic solvent extraction methods),
  • procedures used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of nucleic acids using different types of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method (reverse transcriptase PCR, real time PCR),
  • instruction on the use of different types of equipment and software in the laboratory for genetic testing (PCR thermocyclers, real time PCR machines, capillary electrophoresis devices),
  • instructions and information regarding data analysis and data interpretation for results obtained using the conventional and real-time PCR methods.

The Genetic Lab SRL. specializes in conducting different types of modern genetic diagnostics test used for the diagnosis of infectious diseases (such as the SARS-CoV-2 and determination of the human papilloma virus [HPV] genotypes), genetic disorders, genetic tests used for assessing the presence of hereditary thrombophilia and HLA haplotypes etc. During my stay I had the opportunity to assist the laboratory staff in conducting testing of samples for different infectious diseases, as well as testing for different genetic disorders. In addition, I was able to witness the procedures the laboratory staff uses for non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) of blood samples from pregnant women and their approach in conducting paternity tests.

The training I received at the Genetic Lab SRL. will be of great value for my future experimental work at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Pharmacy (Department of Pharmacology). The skills I developed during my secondment can be successfully translated to my usual laboratory work, which involves working with experimental animals and different preclinical disease models. Thanks to the knowledge gained during the secondment I feel competent to use different molecular biology techniques for analyzing biological samples which we routinely collect from experimental animals (such as blood, blood vessels, heart muscle tissue, nervous system tissue etc). ”

Dr Uroš Pecikoza, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Belgrade

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