Secondment 20: From Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Belgrade to Biosfer Teslab

Secondment 20: From Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Belgrade to Biosfer Teslab

“During my secondment, I had an opportunity to visit Biosfer Teslab company in Reus, Spain, which challenged and expanded my professional expertise. Biosfer Teslab is an innovative SME biotech company created as a spin-off of Rovira i Virgili University (URV) and Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV). A key project I led was metabolomics profiling using NMR analysis, which is the comprehensive study of small molecules (metabolites) in biological systems. NMR is a powerful analytical technique used to identify and quantify metabolites in various biological samples such as blood, urine, tissues, and cell cultures. 

I spent two weeks in the laboratory of the Center of Omics Science (COS) at URV performing NMR analysis on samples of different kinds (particularly blood and urine samples of patients with cardiovascular risks) to obtain lipoprotein molecular profile (Liposcale® test) and glycoprotein profile (Glycoscale® test) to help characterize cardiovascular risk from a lipid and inflammatory perspective simultaneously. With Liposcale, we performed analysis such as size and number of the lipoprotein particles, and with Glycoscale, we characterized the inflammation biomarkers associated with the presence of glycated proteins; increased production of glycated proteins is known to be associated with systemic inflammation processes. Significant achievements during my time in the new lab were mastering advanced research technique (NMR) that were unavailable in my home lab.

While NMR data interpretation can be complex due to the wealth of information it provides, advancements in bioinformatics and cheminformatics have made it easier to process and analyze NMR spectra. There are now sophisticated tools and databases that assist in metabolite identification and pathway analysis, enhancing the utility of NMR in metabolomics. During the next two weeks of my secondment, I worked with software developers analyzing NMR spectra and performing statistical analysis using R program. R is a programming language and software environment primarily used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical representation. This was an exciting experience for me since I had never used this program before. I practiced various statistical techniques like linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, and more.

A key aspect of my secondment experience was working closely with a multidisciplinary and highly trained team with extensive experience in biochemistry and molecular biology, biomedical, computer and physics engineering. Collaborating with scientists from different backgrounds and expertise enabled me to engage in fruitful discussions and share knowledge. I contributed to a collaborative project on CardioSCOPE, where my input was focused on lipidomics and metabolomics.

During my time at the Biosfer Teslab, I had multiple opportunities to present my scientific work at the University of Belgrade. We discussed international collaborative research and joint research publications from multiple institutions and countries.

This collaboration significantly expanded my academic network, connecting me with experts and collaborators for future research. I also gained valuable insights into how different labs approach problem-solving and project management, helping me adopt new strategies in my work. ”

Dr Ivana Đuričić, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy – University of Belgrade

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