Secondment 17: From University of Crete to Biological Sales Network

Secondment 17: From University of Crete to Biological Sales Network

“My working experience at BIOLOGICAL SALES NETWORKS (BSN) was really valuable, since I had the chance to experience the industrial working environment for the first time in my life. Moreover, this experience was also my first time working aboard, which proved very beneficial for understanding the different handling of various situations and procedures, while also being able to interact with local people and learn about their culture and civilization. 

During my first day at BSN, Giacinto Guercilena introduced me to every member of the company and delivered a detailed presentation of the company’s procedures for developing and producing in vitro diagnostic medical kits using HPLC and LC-MS technology. He also gave me and an extensive tour of the facility, explaining the processes taking place and the equipment used in each phase of the production. At the beginning, I was introduced to the theory, principles and mechanics of HPLC and LC-MS/MS. During my practical training at BSN, I was able to contribute to the standard operating procedures for human sample handling and processing (WP4). Specifically, I learned how to prepare serum samples along with calibrators and quality controls for HPLC and LC-MS methods. Moreover, I had the chance to learn the basics of the Multi Quant Software, in order to analyse multi-analyte targeted LC-MS/MS data. A very fascinating opportunity for me being able to view and participate from the beginning in the standardization procedures. This procedure involved an experimental sample preparation protocol and optimization of the instrumental parameters for the SCIEX QTrap Mass Spectrometer (e.g. declustering potential, collision energy etc). Another important aspect of a company, that I had the chance to participate, is the production of the reagents for the diagnostic kits along with the lyophilization procedures, and the quality control testing of these reagents, as well as older one’s close to expiration date to check their stability and prolong their usage. I was also able to participate in the external quality control of the hair sample preparation protocols among BSN and other laboratories. 

All of the above procedures and protocols were executed with the supervision of Mattia Albertini, Thomas Matulli Cavedagna and Claudia Giglione, to whom I am very grateful for all their help and guidance. Apart from their continuous support, I had the chance to collaborate with them in troubleshooting procedures, such as new carbon filtration methods from serum in order to remove any carbon residue that could keep removing and lowering steroid detection. Collaboration with them was crucial and helped me enhance my cooperative and interpersonal skills.  

Overall, working at BSN expanded my scientific knowledge in the field of analytical chemistry and diagnostics using HPLC and LC-MS, but also gave me the experience of working in the industrial private sector which I had no prior experience.”

Dr Ioanna Pantazzi, PhD student from University of Crete

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