1st MSCA SE CardioSCOPE Training School Recap: Where Science and Social Bonds Flourish

1st MSCA SE CardioSCOPE Training School Recap: Where Science and Social Bonds Flourish

We are excited to share with you the vivid experience of the 1st MSCA SE CardioSCOPE Training School, which took place from July 17-19 in Belgrade, Serbia. Organized by the Department of Medical Biochemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, the event seamlessly blended scientific exploration with social bonds.

The meeting brought together 33 participants from Serbia, Greece, Spain, Italy and Romania. The diverse backgrounds set the stage for fruitful discussions and interdisciplinary collaboration throughout the program.

Renowned experts Paolo Magni and Dimitris Kardassis opened the meeting with introductory lectures on the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndrome and lipoprotein pathways. In addition to the lectures, participants took part in interactive sessions, networking during breaks and a special “Bring your cookies and meet your mentors” event to encourage socializing. The second day continued with lectures on chromatography, mass spectrometry, proteomics, metabolomics and RNA profiling by Thomas Matulli Cavedagna, Cristina Banfi, Maria Vinaixa Crevillent, and Christos Tsatsanis. The final day provided hands-on workshops led by Christos Tsatsanis and Maria Vinaixa Crevillent, covering qPCR primer design and metabolomics data analysis. A light lunch together allowed for an informal get-together and the deepening of social relationships.

Beyond the academic realm, participants explored Belgrade’s cultural treasures, by visiting the Nikola Tesla museum and the city center, and had a delightful dinner in the special historical setting of the Kalemgdanska Terasa restaurant. These activities strengthened the sense of community among the participants and complemented the formal sessions with moments of relaxation and cultural enrichment.

The 1st MSCA SE CardioSCOPE Training School not only enhanced professional perspectives, but also laid the foundation for lasting connections. We would like to thank the Department of Medical Biochemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy-University of Belgrade and all participants for their contribution to the success of this enriching event.

As we move forward, bound together by shared experiences and newfound knowledge, we anticipate ongoing collaboration in the dynamic field of cardiovascular research.

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