University of Crete (UOC)

University of Crete (UOC)
General Description: The UOC Medical School brings together researchers and clinicians to advance biomedical research. The mission of the University of Crete (UOC) Medical School is to achieve excellence in biomedical research. The School encompasses a modern 24,000m2 building complex and currently houses 130 faculty members among which 50 senior scientists operating in various areas of basic, translational and clinical research. The University of Crete Medical School focuses in biomedical translational research bringing together basic scientists and clinicians to deliver high quality research.
Activity type: Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Role and Profile of key people: Dr. Dimitris Kardassis, is Professor of Biochemistry at the UOC and an affiliated faculty member of the Gene Regulation and Epigenetics group of IMBB-FORTH. He has supervised 16 PhD students and organized several worskhops and conferences. He is currently the Director of the graduate program "Molecular Basis of Human Diseases". Dr Christos Tsatsanis, is Professor of Clinical Chemistry and currently serves as the Vice Dean of the Medical School with portfolio on Graduate studies, research and research infrastructure. He is also head of the Clinical Chemistry laboratory of the University Hospital. The research laboratory of Christos Tsatsanis has been recognized for its contribution in the field of inflammation and inflammatory markers being among the first groups to identify the role of micro RNAs in inflammation and sepsis. Dr Tsatsanis and Dr Tsatsanis will be committed to the project by providing research facilities and supervision to the ESRs that will work in the lab for secondments.
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and equipment: The laboratories of the two PIs at the UoC Medical School is fully equipped for the proposed research. Equipment include an Applied Biosystems Real Time PCR machine, two standard PCR instruments, hoods and microscopes, a micro plate reader and has full access to a core confocal microscope facility. Ion Torrent Ion S5™ System for RNA sequencing at IMBB-FORTH is available for use.
Address: University campus gallos 74100 Rethimno, Greece