General Description: IRCCSMM is a large clinical and translational facility with a specific cardiovascular research mission. It includes a clinical building (21,500 sqm) and a lab building (10,000 sqm).
Role and Profile of key people: Alberico L. Catapano is a Laboratory Head at MultiMedica SpA, a Full Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Milan, and Director of key research centers. His research focuses on atherosclerosis, lipids, and genetic dyslipidaemias, with significant contributions to understanding atherogenesis, immune response modulation, and therapeutic targets using genetic information. Former President of the European Atherosclerosis Society, he currently co-chairs EAS/ESC guidelines, presides over the Italian Society of Clinical and Experimental Therapy, and directs the SISA Foundation. Catapano has an extensive publication record of over 657 papers with an H-index of 109.
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and equipment: IRCCSMM includes a 10-story clinical building and a large lab building, with state-of-the-art equipment (as Thermofisher LTQ XL Orbitrap+nLC +nano electrospray for proteomics)
Address: Via fantoli gaudenzio 16/15 20138 Milano, Italy