Kliničko-bolnički centar Dragiša Mišović

Kliničko-bolnički centar Dragiša Mišović
General Description: The Clinic for Internal Medicine is located in two buildings: 1)Department of Cardiology and Gastroenterology and 2)Departments of pulmonology, endocrinology and hematology and the Center for Heart Failure. The Clinic participates in conducting theoretical and practical classes for medical students, students of postgraduate classes and specializations, according to the plan and program of the Faculty. The clinic performs health, teaching and scientific research activities in the field of internal medicine. Within the clinic, emergency care and complete diagnostics and treatment of hospitalized patients from all fields of internal medicine, outpatient work in the field of internal medicine and its subspecialist disciplines, as well as consulting activities in internal medicine from the following subspecialist disciplines: cardiology, gastroenterology, hematology, endocrinology and pulmonology.
Activity type: Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Role and Profile of key people: Dr. sci. med. Iva Perović Blagojević, Laboratory of Endocrinology - Head of the Department. She completed her internship in the Laboratory Diagnostics Service of the KBC "Dr. Dragiša Mišović - Dedinje", in Belgrade, where she was hired in June 2000. In 2011 she was appointed head of the Department of Biochemistry in the Laboratory Diagnostics Service, KBC "Dr Dragisa Misovic - Dedinje". In the period from May 2006 to March 2008 she worked part-time in the RIA laboratory of the Institute of Gynecology and Obstetrics KCS. In 2018 she defended her PhD theses.
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and equipment: The Laboratory Medicine department utilizes state-of-the-art technologies, including biochemical and immunochemical autoanalyzers from Siemens (DIMENSION EXL 200, BFT II, IMMULITE 2000, Atellica IM), Abbott's Alinity cii analyzers, Vidas and Alegria immunochemical analyzers, and BIOSEN C-line for various diagnostic tests. Hematology analyzers from Sysmex Corporation (XN, XS-1000i, XS-500i, Pentra MS CRP) are used, along with the Sysmex UF-4000 urine analyzer. In Microbiology, bioMerieux devices (BACT/ALERT 3D, VITEK 2 Compact, PREVI ISOLA, PREVI COLOR) automate bacterial and fungal growth detection, antimicrobial drug sensitivity testing, patient material seeding, and Gram stain preparations, contributing to the constant quality improvement of the department's diagnostic program.
Address: Heroja milana tepica 1 11000 Beograd